Forever Christmas (The Hunter’s Greatest Christmas Shop)

Forever Christmas (The Hunter’s Greatest Christmas Shop)


In my household, Christmas is not complete without a few trips to Christmas shops all over the Hunter region.

Since inheriting Mum’s love for Christmas a few years ago, I’ve picked up a trick or two when it comes to decorating, as well as how to pick out the best items to achieve a specific look.

While the Christmas sections of department stores are quite lovely, for me, nothing beats the feeling of entering a store dedicated to providing you with impeccable decorations, as:

A. They typically have a much larger, and more on trend range

B. The quality is generally higher for a similar price

For me, Mayfield’s own ‘Forever Christmas’ really has it all.


The moment I walked into this store for the first time many moons ago, the Christmas spirit punched me in the face. It was awesome.


The store is not only ginormous- it is also JAM PACKED with incredible decorations that instantly bring warmth to your heart.


To begin with, Forever Christmas’ tree range sets a standard that no other store (that I have been to) has been able to reach.

They’re extremely lush, life-like, and most importantly, the quality well exceeds the price.

What I also love, is that they have so many different options available. If you want a pink tree- they have it. If you want a natural-looking tree that’s coated with snow- they have that too.


One of the store’s greatest strengths has to be the sheer volume of different styles that are available.

Each and every year they seem to push the boundaries, but they also cater to a more traditional style. To put it simply- it is utterly inspiring.


Their range of tree decorations really takes the cake for me.

Every ornament looks and feels incredibly luxurious, and I am totally captivated by the endless walls every time I walk in.

They offer an insane amount of colourways in more traditional styles, but they also have a humungous range of more ‘novelty’ decorations too if that’s what you prefer.


On top of that, every item is PERFECTLY arranged into it’s respective colour category- so if you’re someone who has trouble coming up with a theme, they’ve pretty much already done it for you.


Everywhere you turn, there’s something new to look at.

From the adorable village setup to the outdoor lighting and Yankee Candles- they’ve got everything covered.


And if that wasn’t enough for you, every staff member is always willing to lend a helping hand. I’ve never walked in and seen an unhappy face- and that truly says a lot.


It really is one in a million (and I haven’t even shown you the best bits).


For more information, do check out their Facebook page, and if you’re ever in Mayfield, I highly recommend paying them a visit.

Special thanks to the team at Forever Christmas for continuously being so welcoming (and for allowing me to invade the store with my camera).

Until Sunday 😉


P.s. This is not a sponsored post, and I have no affiliation with Forever Christmas.


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