Sticking to a Side Project: 6 Steps to Success

Sticking to a Side Project: 6 Steps to Success



After taking a well-needed family holiday, I took to my Instagram to ask what you wanted to see more of on my blog.

The request that stood out to me the most, was a post asking me to talk about nailing and/or successfully sticking to a side job or project, such as blogging or freelancing.

Surprisingly, the thought of writing something like this had never previously crossed my mind, simply because I don’t consider myself an expert in the field and at this point, everything I do is second nature.

However, once I started thinking about it, I realised that over the past three years, I have successfully completed seven eighths of a university degree to a standard that I’m proud of, voluntarily built and run the blog that you are currently reading, kept up with my duties over at Yak Media, and worked a casual job to pay the bills; so I suppose I have done something right.

I’m writing this post in the hope that it will:

  1. Inspire you to put that little dream at the back of your mind into action
  2. Find your own system of self-motivation and discipline
  3. Deal with the lows that come along with taking on extra work
  4. Nail your project

So lets get into it.


1. Truth

Before I begin, I need to spill a little bit of truth tea.

There is no such thing as a magic formula for success.

No matter what anyone tells you, the truth is that success comes from passion, and extremely hard work. If you aren’t ready to make any sacrifices or put the work in, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll succeed.

With that being said, success looks completely different to everyone, so getting caught up in what other people think of you and your ideas is not going to do you any good.


2. Passion

While making money is essential to live and what have you, nothing good will come out of the project if lining your pockets is your only motivation. In order to remain motivated long-term, you actually need to enjoy what you’re doing.

Now, I know that in most cases, this is easier said than done. Obviously, you are going to need to prioritise the tasks that come with your day job and/or your degree. However, if you see an opportunity that sparks your interest, ask yourself the following questions before you start planning:

  1. What kind of value is this going to add to my life?
  2. Will the happiness outweigh the stress?
  3. Am I willing to make sacrifices to make this work?

If you can’t answer all three questions confidently, it’s probably not the right fit for you.


3. Analyse

When it comes to staying organised, everyone works differently.

I could very easily tell you to buy a paper planner and work out a strict schedule each and every week, but if you’re not already doing that, there’s a fair chance you won’t start now.

If you want this to work, you need to know what makes you tick.

Look back upon times that you’ve been incredibly stressed, and figure out what triggered them.

Look back upon times that you’ve been incredibly relaxed, and figure out what got you in the zone.

Know your own strengths and weaknesses, and milk them for all they’re worth.


4. Discipline

With that being said, you will not succeed without a lot of self-discipline.

We all have the tendency to procrastinate at times, but if you want this to work, you’re really going to have to push yourself.

Once again, do a little self-analysis and use trial and error to figure out a system that works for you.


5. Failure

If you start your project fully aware that there will inevitably be a few bumps in the road, you are a million times more likely to successfully bounce back from failure.

On top of that, know that you need to be flexible and willing to make changes when things don’t work out. The age-old anecdote ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try try again’ may be true, but trying and failing the same thing in the same way over and over again probably won’t get you very far.

Know your limits. Have a contingency plan. UNAGI.


6. Relax

And last but not least, don’t forget that you’re only human.

Working yourself to the bone might mean that you reach your goals faster, but if that’s the case, there won’t be much left of you to reap the benefits.

Make sure to take some time each and every day to relax and do something you enjoy (or simply nothing at all).

You get only one shot at life on this planet. Don’t forget to enjoy it.






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