The greatest gift.

The greatest gift.

In my brief soirée of adult life, it feels as though everything I once believed has taken a complete 180- a feeling I know that the majority of adults in the world have or will encounter in one way or another.

Like you, I have been hurt on many occasions, but being headstrong makes dealing with this a long and often painful process.

But amongst many decisions I have made in these last few trying months, I have chosen not to be intimidated by those who have wounded me any longer.

To the people that hit me while I was down- I extend my thanks. You showed me what feeling low was really like, and I am now thankful for every day that I don’t have cry myself to sleep and wallow in despair.

To the people who took out their anger on me- I forgive you. None of us are saints, and it happens to the best of us- including me. But through showing me the product of your frustration, you have taught me that fighting fire with fire can only end in tragedy.

And to the people who have recently shown me their true colours- it’s ok, for you have taught me an extremely valuable life lesson.

Cost and worth are two very different things.

I have spent the last 19 years holding on to people that came at no cost to my life, but were not worth the effort. And while part of me regrets the amount of time I spent oblivious to this fact, I am thankful for the eye-opening realisation that has come with recent events.

There will be no more apologies.

There will be no more grudges.

And there will be no more open wounds.


Thanks to all of you, I am finally choosing me- and that is the greatest gift I have ever received.


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